
 On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, two Quebec-based research networks (ADAJ – Accès au droit et à la justice, focused on youth access to law and justice, and Séparation parentale, recomposition familiale, focused on changing family structures) are jointly hosting a Colloquium, to be held in Montreal on May 23-24, 2019. This colloquium is entitled :

Youth at the crossroads of Family, Community, State and Society
Children’s Rights and Connections in the Changing Contexts of Family, Culture, and Society

(Spaces are limited)

The rights of children and youth are intrinsically linked to the realities of their family lives, the socio-cultural norms that regulate the world in which they live, and the roles they play as citizens of their societies. Together, these elements provide the framework within which young people exercise their rights. The socio-legal context for each individual child and adolescent may only be understood through an appreciation of the interacting systems at play, and in particular of the principal relationships young people have with families, communities, and the State. This four relationships will be the theme of the round-table discussions composed by 22 speakers: jurists, researchers in law and social sciences, social workers, and graduate students. Simultaneous interpretation in English and French will be available during the conference.

Broadcaster : Chantier 9 : L'accès à la justice des jeunes

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Broadcaster : Clinique juridique du Mile-End

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Broadcaster : Chaire de rédaction Louis-Philippe Pidgeon, Université Laval

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Broadcaster : UQAM

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2017-04-03  Salon VISEZ DROIT